Monday, February 13, 2012

A Mass Murder of Crows

If a regular flock of crows is called a Murder, then we have a flock living near our house, that one could only call a Mass Murder.  There has to be at least 300 crows in this flock.  You know when they are around because of the amazing amount of noise that they make.  And when they take to the sky, its like being in the Hitchcock movie The Birds. One day on my way home from school, I was driving up our street, and there they all were, sitting in an empty lot... and in the trees, and on the power lines, and the on the surrounding houses.  I grabbed my camera and walked down to grab a few shots.

These guys were not at all concerned with my presence.  They are one of my favourite birds to have at WildARC; they demonstrate their incredible intelligence constantly, and they're beautiful creatures.

At one point, a gentleman walked through the middle of the lot, and the crows all took flight.

This guy had a lot to say.

That's a lot of crow.


  1. I am writing and illustrating a book on the American Crow. I am wondering where you took these pictures? I prefer a Courage of Crows, after all, they have made the journey in spite of us.
    Tom Reaume
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

    1. In Victoria, BC. Thanks for checking out my photos!
