Thursday, November 24, 2011

Quick Kitty Pic

I found myself sitting inside in front of my computer, on another rainy November day today.  This inevitably means that the pets will join me.  Steve's favourite spot is atop the backrest of the desk chair.  I took this photo of him, which turned out quite well, so I wanted to share it quickly.

It reminded me of another shot I took of him back in July, but never got around to posting.  He turned 1 year as of August, and it seems to us that he's been filling out and becoming more masculine over the last couple months (he weighs in at approximately 14 lbs now, and can reach about 3 feet up the wall stretched out).  He's certainly a handsome boy anyway.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Baby Ben does Fall

My adorable nephew Benjamin and his parents came to visit at the beginning of the month.  He's 7 months old now, and since the last visit he had learned to sit up, and found a love for animals (dogs and cats yes, horses not so much).  We snuck off early one brisk morning to Mount Doug Park to take advantage of the beautiful fall leaves that pile up there.  Ben was a pretty good sport about sitting on the cold ground, and took up sampling the leaves.

He didn't seem to like the taste of them particularly...

 But he kept right on trying them.

He's sporting a cardigan my Mum knit for him in the above pictures, and modelling a sweater from Sitka's baby line in the ones below (they have some really cute onesies for babies, and adults alike).

One of the excitements of the weekend was that Ben learned to use rolling to get around.  He even travelled from one end of the house to the other, although it started off a little bumpy.  He's practising his new skill in the photos below.