Monday, May 14, 2012

Discovery Island Sunset

This weekend I joined some friends for a kayak camping trip to Discovery Island.  The weather was fantastic, and the island was so beautiful.  I took so many pictures I'm going to have to split them into several posts.  The island is visible from Willows Beach, and is a 'short' hour and a half row away.  After arriving, setting up, and laying in the sun for a while we took a hike to watch the sunset on the far side of the island.  After which we tried to follow a deer trail through the woods, which resulted in us climbing around in the thistles for a good while before having to back track and go around to the actual trail.  Happily we made it back to our camp site moments before it got completely dark.  Here are some of the many many shots I took of the sunset.


  1. Love the third photo with the purple wild flowers in focus! What a beautiful place!
