I was playing around with my camera this afternoon, and tried out a couple new techniques. The first one is shown in the first two photos; it is called Free Lensing. You actually remove the lens from your camera and hold it in front of the camera, you can then tilt the lens to cause distortion in the image. You usually end up with a diagonal plane of focus running through the photo depending on which way you tilt the lens. All of the examples I have seen are usually done with a wider angle lens than the 50mm I was using. I'll definitely have to play around with this technique some more.
The second technique I tried is a sort of cheater macro, for those who don't have an actual macro lens. For this you remove the lens from your camera and turn it backwards and hold it in front of the camera. Finding the focus can be difficult as it involves moving closer and further from the subject until you find the focal point, and its a small focal point.